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How to set up Geo targeting for cities and states

Cecilien Dambon
October 18, 2022
Reading time
2 min.
Apart from just Countries Geo Targeting from now on, we allow target States and Cities.
Geo targeting
States targeting works in the following countries: Australia, Austria, Brazil, Myanmar (Burma), Germany, India, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, United States, Venezuela.To enable it, head over to your project’s settings page, change Geo-Targeting Type to States, and choose one of the countries in the Choose Country dropdown. You can choose States in multiple countries, for example, New York, the United States, and Punjab, India. In this case, 50% of the traffic will be from the US and the rest from India, and only 2 States will appear in the Geo report in your Google Analytics.
Geotargeting Search by Country
City targeting works in 171 countries of your choice. You can choose multiple cities from different countries, for example, Los Angeles in the United States and Moscow in Russia. At the same time, and we will split the traffic between them.We guarantee that you will see these cities in your Google Analytics but consider that different traffic counters may detect cities differently. Because 99% of our clients use Google Analytics, we work only with it. For countries that have States, we allow filter cities by state.
Keep in mind that when you change Geo-Targeting Type, the states, cities, or countries lists will reset. This is because you can only have Countries, States, or Cities targeting, not any of them simultaneously in the same project.
Cities and States Geo Targeting works only in size Medium, Large, Ultimate, or more projects.
Cecilien Dambon
Cecilien Dambon
SEO & Growth Advisor
I once told my mum I have to deal with a "Panda", a "Hummingbird", a "Penguin" and even a "Pigeon" for a living, and make awesome content to keep everyone happy while building genuine connections. She still thinks I’m a therapist in a zoo 🤔